Welcome to the home page for Toppers in the Eastern region!
This area covers the following counties in the UK:
Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire,Cambridgeshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Norfolk and Suffolk.
The Eastern region is organised by a small team of volunteer parents whose children are currently all involved in Topper sailing.
The East has a friendly and thriving topper circuit and we are always delighted to welcome both newcomers and more experienced Topper sailors to our events. Don't hesitate to Contact the Eastern Area Reps if you would like additional information or are unable to find what you need here.
We will have a full calendar of Traveller racing events and Coaching days in the East during the year, as well as five ITCA Nationwide Events, the Nationals in August, and the Worlds usually in July. Both 5.3 and 4.2 sailors are welcome at all our events, although when they race in the East they race in one fleet but have their own separate results within the Traveller Series and Championships.
If you wish to improve your sailing ability, we hold Coaching events throughout the year across lake, river and tidal venues. There is also the opportunity to apply for the ITCA 4.2 and 5.3 Teams and the RYA's Regional Training Group - more details on these can be found on the main ITCA pages and the RYA's website.
We also have an extensive mailing list to keep you all informed of future events & other useful information. If you would like to be added to our distribution list please send us an email. You do not need to be a member of the Association to be on the mailing list, however to attend specific events it will be necessary to join ITCA (see Membership page of main website).
We hope you find our area pages of interest, and hope to see you at one or more of our events soon.
We look forward to meeting you then.
ITCA East Area Rep Team