North Area Training

Open Training Programme 2021-22

Each year we organise an Open Coaching programme for the region's Topper sailors. Open Coaching is available to all ITCA members (if you are not a member you will be able to try one session with a temporary membership). This Coaching is an excellent opportunity to develop your skills alongside other Topper sailors. It aims to increase sailors’ skills, confidence and enjoyment in Topper sailing. The coaching will focus on boat set up, boat handling, boat speed, race tactics, wind strategy, starting techniques, target setting, fitness, diet and nutrition.

Open Training Programme 2021/22

  Date Club Head Coach Notes / Focus of Training
1 Sat 11th September 21 Pennine SC TBC RYA RTG Indicator
2 Sat 2nd October 21 Bolton SC TBC Girls' Open Training
3a Sat 16th October 21 West Riding SC TBC NE venue for shared topic with 3b
3b Sat 16th October 21 Bolton SC TBC NW venue for shared topic with 3a 
4 Sat 13th November 21 Pennine SC TBC Topper Open at club the Saturday after
5a Sat 4th December 21 Budworth SC TBC NW venue for shared topic with 5b
5b Sat 4th December 21 Scaling Dam SC TBC NE venue for shared topic with 5a
6a Sat 8th January 22 Ripon SC TBC NE venue for shared topic with 6b 
6b Sat 29th January 22 West Lancs SC TBC NW venue for shared topic with 6a
7 Sat 12th March 22 Hollingworth Lake TBC  
8 Sat 26th March 22 Sunderland YC TBC Racing on the Sunday

An email with details of each coaching day will be sent out a few weeks ahead of the date for that event. The coaching events can be entered via the ITCA (GBR) websites Event Entry system Early entry is as places are limited and fill up quickly.

Provided there are sufficient numbers, sailors will be divided into groups of similar ability for part of the day's training. This helps the less experienced sailors work on one set of goals, while the more experienced sailors may work on slightly different goals.

The specific objectives for each coaching day are based on the RYA's Start Racing programme. Examples include mark rounding, starting technique, boat handling, wind strategy, boat on boat tactics, together with specialist techniques for setting up a topper in various conditions. As well as briefing and on-the-water training, we usually include coaching games and some friendly racing to help practice what has been learnt.

Our Open Coaching days normally start at 09:30am and finish around 4:30pm, depending on the light and conditions. Sailors are asked to have their boats rigged and be in the training room for 09:30am, but are requested not to change into sailing gear until they are asked to do so by the coaches. It is essential that all sailors wear appropriate clothing to keep them warm when wet, as it can be cold during the winter months.


RYA Topper Regional Training Group

This is training organised by the RYA and usually consists of a squad of 12 to 18 boats that train over 6 weekends from November through to May. The group is usually selected over a short series of race and training events during June & September and is open to sailors under the age of 15 years old on 31st December 2021. More details about RYA training can be found here

The events to be used in the selection of the RYA North Regional Training Group for 2022-23 will likely include:

  • Sat 18th & Sun 19th June 2022 - RYA Regional Junior Championships - Ullswater Yacht Club
  • 3rd September 2022 - Pennine SC - North Topper Open Training (secondary indicator)
  • 10th September 2022 - Scaling Dam SC - North Topper Traveller (secondary indicator)

If you are interested in applying for this Training Group then you should attend all these events. 

The Provisional North Regional Training Group dates for 2022/23 will be listed below:

For more information contact us.
