Contact the L&SE Area Reps

Mark Dence is the main link between ITCA and the South East Area.  He also coordinates the work of all our other volunteers. As you know many hands make light work - let us know how you can help even if its is just a small role at one of the events.... every little helps!

Mark is the lead in organising our Coaching programme. He liaises with the Coaches and the local clubes to hold and host these fantastic coachings days.  if your club would like to host a coaching day, please do contact us directly.

He also takes the lead on organising our Traveller Series (aka Topper Open Meetings) and develop these great events with the local club Topper Leads.  If you have any questions about these events or you would like to offer your club to host a future event please do contact.  

Mark Dence is our L & SE Area Rep and co-ordinate with ITCA and the team.  Click here to contact Mark.

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Mark Dence Area Rep Contact me

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