Welcome to Southern Area Toppers

Our aim is to help Topper Sailors and Topper Parents make the most of their time in the "Friendly Class"

Local Team - Dave Doughty & Sally Wilson (Area Reps), Andy Le Grice (Liaison), Andrew Goodman (Training)




Welcome to the web pages of the Southern Area. We hope to be able to support you and your sailor in enjoying your time with the Southern Area Topper community who are enthuiastic, friendly and thriving. Each year we organise a programme of training and racing at clubs across the South and newcomers are always very welcome.

If you have any questions please either email us or grab any parent of a Topper sailor, we are a friendly bunch, always happy to help.

Membership of ITCA is not essential and sailors are allowed entry to 1 Open or Training event before we ask that they join the class. After this time if sailors want to continue to enter events then membership is compulsory. Find out how to join ITCA here

The Southern Area is currently covered by 4 volunteers, with responsibilties divided as detailed below. Please feel free to email us if you need any help or information or if you just want to meet up at one of the events for a chat.

As with all things relating to Junior & Youth sailing there comes a time when we need to move on as children age out of a particular class. We're actively looking for new volunteers to come forward and start to help run the ITCA Southern area. Please talk to Dave or Sally if this is of interest, we promise to ease you in gently....

ITCA Southern Area Reps - Dave Doughty & Sally Wilson

Dave and Sally will act as the first point of contact with ITCA. We will provide support and information for ITCA and our Southern activities. If you're new to Toppers or would like to know more about what ITCA offers in the Southern region then please get in touch online or come and say hello at one of our events.

Southern Liaison -  Andy Le Grice

Andy's main role is to liaise with our local clubs and orgainse the Rooster Southern Topper Traveller Series. He will also provide support and advice of a general nature. If you're interested in hosting a Topper Open at your club please do make contact with Andy.

Southern Training Rep - Andrew Goodman

Andrew will be the primary person liaising and co-coordinating with the clubs hosting our training events. If you're interested in organizing some ITCA training at your club please do make contact. Andrew is soon to step down from this role, so please get in touch with Dave or Sally if you're interested in helping out with arranging local ITCA training. 

Follow us on Facebook 

Follow us on Instagram @southern.area.toppers

Happy Sailing,
ITCA Southern Area Team

To keep up to date with all the latest info please join the ITCA Southern Area WhatsApp group! Send Sally or Dave a message with your Sailor Name and Champ Number and we'll add you....

Tuesday 1 November, 2022

This year’s Series included 4 events held at venues across the South.

Thursday 20 October, 2022

There were 52 sailors entered for 2 days of racing in the Solent for the southern area end of season championships hosted by Warsash Sailing Club.

Tuesday 4 October, 2022

Oxford SC hosted the ITCA Southern Toppers over the weekend of October 1st & 2nd with the usual format of Training on Saturday followed by an Open on Sunday, for the third round in our Topper Rooster Southern Autumn Traveller series.
