Click here to view the ITCA (GBR) Chair’s Presentation 2023

Click here to view the Topper Boat Builder’s Report 2023

Click here to view the Treasurer's Report 2023

AGM Minutes 2023



Agenda for the International Topper Class Association (Great Britain) (ITCA GBR) AGM

Wednesday 9th August 2023, Plas Heli – time TBC

(approximately 1 hour after sailing finishes)


1. The annual report of the Chair of the National Committee Sam Norton

2. Election of Honorary Members

3. Treasurers Report Ricky O’Kane

4. The appointment of an accountant Andrew Budden

5. The election of Individual Members, non members (who then become honorary members), honorary, Honorary Life Members or representatives of Family or Group Members to serve on the Committee until the next Annual ITCA (GBR) Constitution (Amended August 2022) Page 6 General Meeting unless before that they resign or cease to be a member of the Association.

6. Any proposal of the National Committee or of the International Committee

a) Proposed amendments to the Constitution

7. Any proposal by a member notified to the Secretary prior to 10th July 2023.

a) Proposed changes to prevent on water coaching at National events

8. Boat Builders report Russ Dent



ITEM 2: Election of Honorary Members

  • Two RYA representatives (Paul Wren and Helena Lucas)


Existing Honorary Life Members:

Roger Proctor

Chris Dugdale

Andy Millington

Dave Cockerill

Lester Wellerd

Clive Grummett

Shaun Tordoff

Sally Dugdale

Vanessa Ripley 



ITEM 5: List of officers standing for election

List of officers standing for election


Sam Norton

Vice Chair Racing

Sally Dugdale

Vice Chair Training

Vanessa (Ness) Ripley


Ricky O'Kane

Fixtures Secretary


Event Safety Officer and Rib Master


Child Welfare Officer

Anna Clark

Marketing and Social Media

Dave Rowe

Class Measurer

Steve Smith

Designers Representative

Roger Procter

Principal Area Representative


South East

Mark Dence

South West

Sean Semmens


Michael Wemyss


Allison Blakeway


Mark Harris


Roger Cerrato 


Clare Somerville


Nick Morley



*A Commodore shall be ex-officio a member of the National Committee without voting rights but shall not hold any other Association office.


We have 2 paid roles which have a place on the committee


Tracey Francis

Events Manager

Tracey Francis



ITEM 6a: Proposed amendments to the Constitution

1) Constitution Section 2 OBJECTS,

2.1 a) to promote and further interests of the one-design Topper sailboat designed by Ian Proctor (including the Topper 4.2);

to be replaced with

2.1 a) to promote and further the interests of the one-design Topper sailboat designed by Ian Proctor (including the Topper 4.2 and Topper 6.4);


2) Constitution Section 2 OBJECTS,

2.1: d) to act as the National Class Association for the Great Britain for the purposes of the Constitution of the International Topper Committee;

Correction of typographical error, removal of ‘the’ before Great Britain.


3) Constitution Section 3 MEMBERSHIP,

3.4 to be updated to include the following text, agreed at the AGM August 2022:

For?new members only, If a new member joins ITCA (GBR), during the period of June, July or August,?then the membership fee will be 50% of the annual fee. Previously?existing?members who are renewing at anytime during the year will require renewal at the full annual membership fee. 


4) Constitution Section 4. AREA ORGANISATION

4.1 Areas, Poole Harbour to be moved to South West in line with RYA areas.


5) Constitution Section 4. AREA ORGANISATION

4.1 and 4.3: All references to ‘zones’ to be amended to ‘regions’ to reflect RYA terminology.


6) Constitution Section 5. NATIONAL COMMITTEE

All references to ‘Chairman’ to be amended to ‘Chair’.


7) Constitution Section TOPPER MEASUREMENT RULES

All references to ‘ISAF’ to be amended to ‘World Sailing’.


8) Constitution Section 10. CHAMPIONSHIP RACING

10.2 At any event which is restricted to Association members, a valid membership card and measurement certificate shall be produced to the Race Committee before the entry is accepted.

to be replaced with

10.2 At any event which is restricted to Association members, a valid championship number must be applied to the sail as specified in the class rules.


9) Constitution Section DEFINITIONS

Reference to ‘ISAF’ to be amended to ‘World Sailing’.


ITEM 7a: Proposed changes to prevent on water coaching at National events

Proposer: Roger Cerrato (Area-Rep South)
Seconder: Russell Peace (ITCA Southern Area Liaison)

All ITCA (GBR) National Series events and the Nationals are to be “non coached” events whilst on the water with the exception of coaching support provided by ITCA (GBR) that may be offered equally to all sailors in the 4.2 and/or 5.3/6.4 fleets.



We want the Topper class to be as inclusive and accessible as possible. By allowing on water coaching at NS and Nationals we are encouraging a two tier system where those that can afford it are able to access support that is not readily available to all. 

As an RYA Junior Class within the British Youth Sailing programme we should be helping sailors develop their independence as “non dependent decision makers” and my view is that on water coaching at our larger events goes against this.









Racing and Coaching

As an RYA recognised junior class, Topper racing can be amongst the most varied and competitive in the UK. A class renowned for its friendliness, find out how to race a Topper and join the fun.

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Getting started

Toppers can be found at almost every UK sailing club. With 2 sail choices available, Toppers can now be sailed by everyone from young children through to small adults.

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Toppers near me

ITCA organise training and racing around the UK. With a network of Area Reps, most people will find advice, and fun sailing close to where they live.

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Topper News


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